Managed WordPress hosting is a form of web hosting through which companies or individuals can receive support whilst in the process of building their website/online presence. There are a number of reasons as to why managed WordPress hosting could benefit your hotel or bed and breakfast business and in this article we will look at the overall benefits.
What Is WordPress
In order to understand the full potential benefits that WordPress hosting could have on your business it is important to first understand what WordPress itself is. WordPress is a content management system that is used for tens of millions of websites across the world. It can be customised and allows for thousands of different plugins to be installed which can enhance the overall performance and design of the website as a whole.

What Is Managed WordPress Hosting
Managed WordPress hosting is different from standard web hosting. This is because the service is managed and as a result comes with a number of inherent benefits. One of the main benefits of using managed WordPress hosting is the support on offer. Most managed hosting packages offer 24-7 support which means that businesses or individuals can be fully supported with their web page and hosting allowing for a much better and interactive user experience overall.

Another benefit to using WordPress hosting is the overall running and maintenance of the website. Often business owners and individuals find themselves caught in their work and are often unable to set apart assigned time to work on their website or prevent issues. This is why managed WordPress hosting is so beneficial as it takes the hassle out of the online experience and allows the owners of the site to focus on content creation and leave the website maintenance to be managed by the web hosting company.
What Challenges Face New Websites And How Can They Be Tackled?
New websites that have just been started up face a range of different challenges. One of the most pressing issues is of course security. Security is a major concern for new site owners and always needs to be taken into account when working on a website. New websites with little security are particularly vulnerable to hacking , viruses or spam. In order to tackle this managed hosting offers users enhanced security. Security measures such as SSL certificates and cloud flare security come as standard. These applications can ensure that users data and details are secure whilst simultaneously actively preventing attacks.
Another challenge facing newer websites is lack of space. Often websites that have been newly setup may suffer from a lack of storage space. Managed hosting ensures that new sites are up and running with considerable amounts of storage space and bandwidth to allow expansion in future.

Overall to conclude there are a wide number of benefits to making use of hosting services. Ultimately they offer safety and security to websites as well as excellent levels of support. Managed hosting is an excellent option for those with little online experience.